■8/4 Chicago, IL Lollapalooza

アメリカ・シカゴのグラントパークで2023年8月3日から6日に亘る4日間9ステージで開催されたミュージックフェスティバル<Lollapalooza Chicago>は、40万人以上が来場するなど、コーチェラ、ボナルーと並び、アメリカ野外3大フェスのひとつと言われている。

世界中のアーティストが出演を待ち望むそんな大人気のフェスに、日本人バンドとしてはX JAPAN以来13年ぶりとなる出演を果たしたBAND-MAID。現地の媒体から「<Lollapalooza>で観るべき12のアーティスト」としてK-POPのNewJeansらとともに選出されるなど、公演前から注目を浴びていた。


小鳩ミク、KANAMI(G)、MISA(B)、AKANE(Dr)が颯爽とcoinbase stageに登場すると、インストゥルメンタル曲「from now on」でこの日のお給仕は幕を開けた。メイド風衣装に身を包んだ小柄な彼女たちが突然ゴリゴリのロックかつテクニカルなインスト楽曲を演奏し始めると、初見と見られる観客も、奏でるハードな音とかわいらしい見た目とのギャップに驚きの表情を隠せない。続く「DOMINATION」ではSAIKI(Vo)も登場、彼女たちが目標として挙げている「世界征服」を掲げた歌詞を力強く高らかに歌い上げる。

特に見どころとなったのは、「Don't you tell ME」「HATE?」で披露した、間奏部分に設けたセッション部分だ。KANAMIとMISAによるギターとベースを交互に弾き合うソロの応酬は、音で会話をし合うようかのような絶妙な掛け合いに。2022年のアメリカツアーでは単独で2万人以上を動員。2023年は既にアメリカのフェスに3本も出演するなど場数を踏んできたことはもちろん、たゆまぬ努力によって、個々の演奏力がより磨き上げられてきたのだろう。2人のぴったり合ったコンビネーションを満面の笑みで見守るSAIKI、リズムを支えるAKANEと小鳩ミク(G, Vo)も笑顔で2人のセッションに寄り添うなど、バンドとしてのこの一体感は、結成10周年を経てより強固になっていることが演奏からも見て取れる。

「Daydreaming」などSAIKIの伸びやかな歌声をしっとりと聴かせるミディアムナンバーなども間に挟みながら、怒涛のハードロックナンバーで駆け抜けるBAND-MAID。ラストの「endless Story」では、フェス出演時でも恒例となったシンガロングが巻き起こると、会場に集まった約2万人の観客へ向かってSAIKIが「Thank you Lollapalooza! We're BAND-MAID from JAPAN! Thank you so much!」と感謝の言葉を伝え、あふれる笑顔でステージを後にした。

Taking place across four days and nine stages in Chicago's Grant Park, the 2023 Lollapalooza Chicago welcomed over 400,000 people between August 3rd and 6th, numbers that easily put it up there with Coachella and Bonnaroo as one of the U.S.'s three greatest music festivals.

It's a festival that artists the world over dream of playing, and being selected as the first Japanese band to perform there since X JAPAN thirteen years ago garnered a huge amount of buzz for BAND-MAID, with local media listing them as one of the "12 Must-See Acts at Lollapalooza" along with K-pop act NewJeans.

Undeterred by the sun beating down on them, BAND-MAID fans braved the heat and filled the area in front of the stage over an hour before the start of the OKYUJI. It was August 4th, the second day of the festival, and by the time their hour-long set from 1:45 PM to 2:45 ended, BAND-MAID's performance of 13 songs left an indelible impression on the crowd of one of America's largest festivals.

MIKU, guitarist KANAMI, bassist MISA, and drummer AKANE sashayed first onto the Coinbase Stage and set the table for this OKYUJI with the instrumental "from now on". The sight of four petite ladies dressed in maid costumes suddenly launching into a brutally rocking song with amazing technical skills on their instruments amazed the first-time audience members, transfixing them with the contrast between the band's cute image and their hardcore playing. Following that up was "DOMINATION" with vocalist SAIKI taking the stage, belting out the lyric enumerating the band's goal, "WORLD DOMINATION", with all of her power.

A particular highlight of the day was KANAMI and MISA playing alternating bass and guitar solos between "Don't you tell ME" and "HATE?" and creating a jam-session atmosphere, exchanging riffs so lively their instruments were practically talking to each other. The band's 2022 U.S. solo tour brought over 20,000 fans out to see them, and they had the experience of playing three previous music festivals this year to draw on as well. Pouring the skills they'd honed on the road the past two years, accompanied of course by their usual boundless effort and energy when performing, into their Lollapalooza OKYUJI and made for a show where each of the members turned in one of her most polished performances yet.

Watching her bandmates performing in such incredible harmony brought a huge smile to SAIKI's face, with AKANE providing supporting rhythms and MIKU grinning as she joined in on the jams, it was easy to feel how much stronger the unity between the bandmembers has grown over ten years of playing together.

With the raging waves of sound in their hard rock songs tempered by the velvet tones of SAIKI's voice on midtempo numbers like "Daydreaming", a show filled with variety ended with the now-customary festival closer "endless Story" complete with spontaneous audience sing-along, and closing words of thanks to the crowd of over 20,000 fans from SAIKI - "Thank you Lollapalooza! We're BAND-MAID from JAPAN! Thank you so much!" - as the band departed, leaving smiling faces in their wake.

TRASLATION Natalie S. Hadjiloukas
