■8/15 Anaheim, CA House of Blues Anaheim

18日目、アメリカ公演の最終日となるカルフォルニア州アナハイム・House of Blues Anaheim。メジャーリーグのプロ野球チーム「ロサンゼルス・エンゼルス」の本拠地や、ディズニーランド・パークがある地としても知られるアナハイムでのお給仕は、初となる。この日のお給仕のチケットも即完売となっており、2,000人を集客した満員の会場のなか、大歓声に迎えられ公演はスタートした。


小鳩ミクによるコールアンドレスポンスの時間“おまじないタイム”は、「Omajinai Time is having sympathy with you and me. Heart to heart time.」と語りかけるような口調で始まった。ご主人様・お嬢様との大事な交流の時間ではあるが、本ツアーではメンバーが手を替え品を替え小鳩ミクのコールを邪魔するところも楽しみの一つとなっていた。この日もメンバーから茶々を入れられ、「moe,moe!」のコールがヒートアップする小鳩ミクを応援するように、観客による「moe,moe!」のレスポンスの声も力強くなっていく。小鳩ミクが「We are win!」と宣言すると爆笑が起こるなど、演奏だけでなく英語のMCでも会場をおおいに沸かせていた。北米ツアーでは初となる「輪廻」や、お給仕を締めくくる定番曲のひとつとなった「NO GOD」まで、充実したセットリストで、集まった2,000名のご主人様・お嬢様を魅了した。

なお、House of Blues Anaheimではチケット完売となったアーティストには、会場が記念にオリジナル・デザインのスケートボードを作成・会場内へ展示しているため、この日完売となっていたBAND-MAIDもオリジナルのボードを会場より進呈された。

The tour's 18th stop was its final one in the United States, California's House of Blues Anaheim. Famous as the home of the Los Angeles Angels baseball team and the Disneyland theme park, Anaheim was now hosting its first OKYUJI. Tickets had sold out in a flash, and the spirited calls of 2,000 assembled fans welcomed the band onstage.

First up was "DOMINATION", and the roars and fist-pumping of the crowd got things off to a riotous start. Breathlessly following this was "glory", "alone", and then "Play", a set that had become a mainstay of this tour. The brand-new "Shambles" that they'd closed with the previous night was played in the middle of the set today, among other modifications to the set list that let BAND-MAID change it up and keep things fresh for their masters and princesses. This tour seemed to feature an even more hard-driving set list than usual, but that didn't mean the ballads were left out, with "anemone", "Memorable", and "Daydreaming" contributing a mix of classic and brand-new songs to the lineup.

MIKU opened her Omajinai Time with the words, "Omajinai Time is having sympathy with you and me. Heart to heart time." Though this is usually the moment of the OKYUJI where MIKU opens her heart to the fans, her bandmates' attempts to comically interfere with it have turned into an anticipated part of this tour. Tonight, the other bandmembers goofing around while MIKU lead a call of "Moe moe!" got an even stronger "Moe moe!" back from the audience. MIKU calling out "We are win!" got a big laugh, and her English stage chat got the crowd just as excited as her musical performance did. From "Rinne", performed for the first time on this tour, to the finale of one of the traditional closers, "NO GOD", the final run of the set delighted every one of the 2,000 masters and princesses there that night.

House of Blues Anaheim has a tradition of creating skateboards with designs commemorating each artist who performs a sold-out show there and displaying them in the venue, and thanks to this sold-out performance, BAND-MAID was presented with a board of their own.

TRASLATION Natalie S. Hadjiloukas
