
学校法人電子学園 iU 情報経営イノベーション専門職大学

情報経営イノベーション専門職大学(東京都墨田区、学長 中村 伊知哉。以下、iU。https://www.i-u.ac.jp/)は今最も世界が注目する北海道在住の11歳のドラムプレイヤー・YOYOKAが、超客員教授に就任することに合意しました。
今後、客員教員が主催するバーチャル研究室「iU Mobile」*にて、グルーヴ教室の開講、教育・ジェンダー・差別などの社会課題の議論などを通じ、世界とつながって教育・研究活動を推進する予定です。




[画像: https://prtimes.jp/i/61260/26/resize/d61260-26-929678-0.jpg ]

8歳でLed Zeppelin「Good Times Bad Times」をカバーし世界中のメディアで特集される。
ロバート・プラント、イアン・ペイス、チャド・スミス、ディヴ・グロール、ジーンシモンズなど海外のレジェンドからも称賛を受ける。RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL、SUMMER SONIC、日比谷音楽祭など様々なフェスに出演。
シンディ・ローパー、Fall Out Boy、ビリー・シーンとの共演や、アメリカ「エレンの部屋」「NAMM Show」等への出演、NIKE、Moncler、UNIQLOなど世界的CMにも抜擢された。
8歳でドラムメーカーのPearl、VIC FIRTHと史上世界最年少エンドース契約し、Zildjian、CYMPAD、DWともエンドース契約。

YouTube Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWQAiVlpjivfvB4Cbtm_17g

*バーチャル研究室 「iU Mobile」
iU Mobileとは客員教員がオンライン上にてご自身の専門分野に関する学びを提供する、バーチャル研究室です。各研究室内の学生に向けた情報発信や講義の提供、学生との双方向のコミュニケーション等を実施いたします。学生には客員教員との交流を通じて、通常の大学にはない新たな学びや一歩踏み出すきっかけづくりとなることを目的としています。


Drummer YOYOKA becomes Special Visiting Professor at iU

Professional University of Information and Management for Innovation (Sumida-ku, Tokyo, President: Ichiya Nakamura; hereinafter “iU”; http://www.i-u.ac.jp) has agreed to welcome a Hokkaido-based 11-year-old drummer, YOYOKA, who is at the center of worldwide attention today, as a special visiting professor.

Going forward, education and research activities connected to the world at large will be promoted through the opening of a groove class, discussion of social issues such as education, gender, and discrimination, and other lectures at the virtual research lab “iU Mobile”* hosted by visiting faculty members.

Message from YOYOKA

I am looking forward to teaching and learning different things.
Let’s do something fun and interesting together.


Born in October 2009.
She started drumming at age 2 and performing in concerts at age 4, and released her first CD at age 6 while in kindergarten.
She covered Led Zeppelin’s “Good Times Bad Times” at age 8 and was featured in media around the world.
She became the youngest person ever to be selected as one of the “100 Japanese people respected in the world” and the “500 top drummers”.
She also received praise from international legends such as Robert Plant, Ian Paice, Chad Smith, Dave Grohl, and Gene Simmons.

She has performed at various music festivals such as RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL, SUMMER SONIC, and Hibiya Music Festival.
She has collaborated with Cyndi Lauper, Fall Out Boy, and Billy Sheehan, appeared on American TV shows “Ellen,” “NAMM Show,” and other programs, and was selected for worldwide advertisements for brands such as KIKE, Moncler, and UNIQLO.
At the age of 8, she became the youngest person ever to sign endorsement contracts with drum manufacturers Pearl and VIC FIRTH as well as endorsement contracts with Zildjian, CYMPAD, and DW.
Her favorite drummers are John Bonham, Chris Coleman, Nate Smith, Chad Smith, Dave Grohl, and Hideo Yamaki.

Her dream is to travel around the world and have jam sessions with people from all over the world.

[Related Links]
YOYOKA Official Website https://yoyoka.jp/
YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWQAiVlpjivfvB4Cbtm_17g

*Virtual Research Lab “iU Mobile”
iU Mobile is a virtual research lab where visiting professors offer courses in their fields of expertise. It provides information and lectures to students and conducts interactive communication. It aims to provide opportunities for students to learn something new that cannot be found in regular universities and take a step forward through interaction with the visiting professors.
