
BAND-MAIDが結成10周年を記念して開催中の<BAND-MAID 10TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR>。BAND-MAIDは5月に全米をまわり、8月にはもう一度渡米。US TOUR後半戦を行った。今回BARKSでは、米国3大野外フェス<Lollapalooza Chicago>を含む、8月前半のUS TOURの模様をお届けする。

◆8/3 Chicago, IL Lollapalooza Official After Show
◆8/4 Chicago, IL Lollapalooza
◆8/6 Minneapolis, MN Varsity Theater
◆8/8 Denver, CO Summit
◆8/9 Salt Lake City, UT THE Depot

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■8/3 Chicago, IL Lollapalooza Official After Show

<Lollapalooza Chicago>本公演出演発表後、追加で出演発表となっていた本公演。<Lollapalooza>の公演時間終了後にシカゴ市内で連日開催されるOfficial After Showは、CARLY RAE JEPSENなども出演に名を連ね、BAND-MAIDへの注目度の高さが伺える抜擢となった。

オープニングアクトにロサンゼルスの新時代ポップパンクトリオ・Beauty School Dropoutを迎え、メインアクトとなったBAND-MAIDのステージが始まったのは23時を回った頃。この日も怒涛のセットリストで激しい演奏を繰り広げる。

お給仕では恒例のコールアンドレスポンスの時間“おまじないタイム”では、小鳩ミク(G, Vo)が「Omajinai Time is that Important Time!」と発言すると、間髪入れずに「Most Important!」と観客から声があがり爆笑が起こるなど、観客とのコミュニケーションも絶好調。約1時間30分にわたるパワフルな演奏と爆笑トークで、深夜にも関わらずシカゴの観客を大いに沸かせた。

BAND-MAID's appearance at the Official After Show was announced immediately following the news that they would play Lollapalooza Chicago. Held at different venues around Chicago, the After Show takes place after the end of each day of Lollapalooza performances, and the selection of the band to join Carly Rae Jepsen and other headliners on the bill for the day shows how high their star has risen in the music scene.

After Los Angeles-based neo-pop punk trio Beauty School Dropout kicked things off, BAND-MAID took the stage as one of the main attractions of the evening, starting their set at 11 PM. Another furious performance of a set of hard-rocking songs resulted.

During Omajinai Time, the beloved segment of every BAND-MAID OKYUJI, guitarist and singer MIKU Kobato's call of "Omajinai Time is that important time!" lead to a call of "MOST IMPORTANT!" from the audience, provoking roars of laughter. Just another example of BAND-MAID's sterling audience communication skills! The band and their audience kept the party going late into the night, finally wrapping things up after a powerful hour and a half of rocking music and stage chatter that won huge laughs.

TRASLATION Natalie S. Hadjiloukas
